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About Us
Roush Automotive Collection is located at the following address:
11789 Market Street
Livonia, MI 48150
Main Phone: 734-779-7290
Click here to find us on Google Maps
The Roush Automotive Collection, located in the Detroit
Metropolitan area, is a 30,000 sq. ft. private facility. Housed
within the collection are a wide variety of displays,
multi-media exhibits, artifacts, memorabilia and 110+ vehicles
dedicated to the preservation of the heritage of Roush
collection contains educational exhibits of products and
processes from Roush as a supplier of technological services to
the automotive industry, aviation industry and other
manufactured goods businesses.
Racing is represented in the collection through the preservation
of race cars, trophies, team equipment, photographs and other
artifacts signifying over 40 years of motor sports achievements.
The Roush Automotive Collection is a private facility. Visitors may tour the collection by appointment. Please refer to the Tours section for further details. For retail store hours and information please select Store.
From May-August the Roush Automotive Collection opens its doors to the public for a series of Open House Cruise-in events. During these special events, visitors may participate in a variety of inter-active activities and live demonstrations. Please check out the Home page or Calendar for schedules and information. |