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Spotlight: 1939 Ford Convertible Deluxe
March 16, 2006
This beautifully restored vehicle became a welcome addition to the Roush Collection in 1991. The graceful
lines and understated elegance of the 1939 Ford model has become a classic example of automotive design in the era leading up to WWII.
During the 1939 production run Ford divided the models into two series designated Standard and Deluxe. The Deluxe models featured
a more modern appearance expressed through smoother body lines, tear drop head lights and simple chrome trim. 1939 was the last year
for the production use of a rumble seat. The most significant technical improvement was the application of Lockheed hydraulic brakes
by Ford Motor Company. This 1939 convertible was christened “Georgetta,” in honor of Jack’s mother Georgetta Roush.
Georgetta joined the ranks of Great Race competition in 2000 as a V.I.P. entry. The Great Race, America's oldest, longest-running
and richest vintage motorsports event, is a transcontinental time-speed-distance road rally. The scores for each team are a result
of the team's ability to follow the designated course instructions precisely. Seconds off of the perfect time, early or late per leg,
are counted as points. The team with the lowest overall score at the end of the event is the winner.
Over the course of the 24-year history, Great Race competitors have logged more than 5 million vehicle miles, traveled through 45 states
and visited 800+ cities. Each year cities across the country host pit stops, lunch and overnight stops, along with a celebrity-style
welcome for the Great Racers. Free to the public, fans along the way enjoy an up-close and personal view of these vintage and exotic
machines. Family-focused activities include parades, local car shows, bands, activities for children - a truly unique celebration of
During the 2000 Great Race event a number of notable guests appeared behind the wheel of Georgetta. These guests included motor sports
commentator Benny Parsons, WWII aviation ace Bud Anderson and Director of Ford Racing Dan Davis.
Georgetta became a serious competitive entry in 2001 with husband and wife team Dale and Susan McClenaghan. In 2004 the Great race ran
4000 miles from Jacksonville, FL to Monterey, CA over the course of 15 days. Dale and Susan tied for First Place Grand Champion with
the team of G.R. Pike and Bobby Hadskey in their 1916 Hudson race car. During competition a tie is broken in favor of the older
vehicle. The title of Grand Champion for 2004 was awarded to Pike and Hadskey with Dale and Susan capturing the second place award.
Georgetta is scheduled to return to Great Race competition in 2006.
Georgetta continues to be a living breathing example of American automotive ingenuity and competitive spirit. |